Who We Are
Adirondack Bible Chapel’s Ministry Center is a residential discipleship home that specializes in helping Christians grow, heal, recover, and be encouraged through biblical-based, Christ-centered discipleship and training.
What We Offer
Residential Discipleship
Residency is for men and women who desire to be around Christians in an environment that promotes accountability and spiritual growth, focusing on building a solid foundation in Christ.
Join us for Christ-centered discipleship.
At the Ministry Center Residential Discipleship home, you will find an excellent opportunity to study God’s word, find hope, and make lasting life changes. Come be immersed in a Christ-centered and gospel-focused environment.
Respite Care for Missionaries and Pastors
Providing rest and encouragement for ministry workers who need to be surrounded with love and care from fellow believers.
- Short-term rest
- Sabbaticals
- Counseling, discipleship, and training as needed
Contact us for more information or to request care. secretary@adirondackbiblechapel.org
The ABC Ministry Center Internship is a 3-12 month discipleship experience for young adults whose commitment to Christ drives them to learn and serve. Each internship provides an apprentice type of relationship with members of Adirondack Bible Chapel to challenge the interns to excel in leadership, ministry, and counseling skills.
This is for you if…
- you feel broken and need hope.
- you desire to receive Bible training and grow in effectiveness for Christ.
- you’re facing a perplexing time and want biblical counseling in a residential home.
- you need a place to break screen and gaming addiction
- you’re a full-time ministry worker (domestic or foreign) who needs renewal and godly mentoring after a hard struggle.
- you’re a believer who has strayed but now, in repentance from sin and faith in Christ, desires to see your life restored to God’s glory.
Your weekly discipleship includes:
- Weekly appointments with mentors applying Scripture and the gospel of Christ to your life according to your specific needs.
- Morning devotions and prayer together each weekday.
- Classes during the week that cover spiritual disciplines, Bible doctrine, and principles of discipleship.
- Work hours are distributed between work on the Ministry Center property and service or visitation to those in need in the congregation or the local community.
- The Lodge is a lovely, restored, 16-bedroom home on a beautiful 250-acre retreat in the heart of the Adirondack State Park in Upstate New York.
- You live here as an individual or a family (if you have one) for 3-8 months.
- You apply by downloading the application, filling it out entirely, then emailing or mailing back to us. Married couples must fill out and submit separate applications.
- Once your application is received, we will contact you within one week. A decision will be made on your application within 3-4 weeks.
- Families may apply and will be considered on a case-by-case basis. There is a small local public school that children can attend during the school year.
- You do not pay a fee to live here. However, we ask churches or families to consider supporting our ministry to help cover the cost of your stay.
Please contact us with any questions about residency.
If you are ready to apply, please fill out the resident application and submit it for review.
Our facilities are not for applicants with situations requiring medical needs (including some daily medications or care). Potential residents should be in good health and be capable of fully participating in the scheduled events of the day (going up and down stairs, lawn care, and household chores). Those seeking help for alcohol addiction, drug abuse, or other addictions may be asked to attend a detox program before being accepted.
The Ministry Center is not a medical facility. As such, we do not distribute, diagnose, or prescribe anything for medical issues.
As we are not a medical facility, not all medications are permitted at the Ministry Center.
Not Permitted Medications – Antidepressants, Antianxiety, Benzodiazepines, Antipsychotics, Suboxone, or prescription sleep aids.
Other prescribed medication requires a letter from a physician with the reason for prescribing the medication.
Please refer to our Resident Application for further explanation of our Medication and Medical Policy.
Many hands and lots of labor went into restoring the lodge to be what it is today. Click here to view a short video on the lodge remodeling project.
Residents’ Stories of Praise
(Woman, mid 30’s) “When we arrived, we were hurting, broken, scared, and lost in the middle of our life crisis. It was a very hard decision for me to leave our home and friends, but after much prayer and counsel from my Pastors, I knew that this was where the Lord was leading us. I am so glad that we came! I felt like we had come under the shelter of the Lord’s wings. His truth, and people, became a shield for us. We were safe, loved, and cared for. I saw my children grow in their understanding and love for the Lord. I have found great healing at the Ministry Center. I have learned that the gospel is not just a means for salvation, but it truly is my daily rescue. That same power that raised Christ from the dead lives in me. It enables me to say no to sin and yes to righteousness. By remembering to keep an eternal perspective, my emotions are not driven by missed expectations, and I can make it through the deep waters.”
(Woman, age 24) “When I arrived, all I knew was I wanted my symptoms to go away. I was looking into all sorts of self-help books, counselors, meditation practices, anything that would help me ignore, mute, and shove aside the anxiety, fear, anger, and hurt. I lived at the Ministry Center for seven transformative months. Yes, I did receive counseling, but not in the ways I expected. But God gave me way more than that. He gave me discipleship. Every single day I was immersed in God’s word. Every single day the gospel was explained, and one day in my discipleship meeting, it clicked. God brought to my attention what was missing from my understanding of the gospel! My time at the Ministry Center changed my life, but it is only because of the GOSPEL. The gospel penetrates through all of life, every aspect, every day.”
(Man, early 30’s) “The Lord brought me to a point where I realized that I needed help and that a true fundamental change needed to take place within me. I did not realize it at the time, but the Lord was exceedingly gracious to me in granting me a heart that was willing to let go of my pride and achievements and instead go after Jesus whatever that meant. It was a scary and difficult period — to quit my job, sell our home and move my family to the Ministry Center. Like Peter in the boat on the stormy sea, my Master was telling me to come; and I wanted to step out in faith. The Lord did not fail me. Matthew 11:28-30”